ON June 26, 2023, the dedicated staff of St. Patrick’s School embarked on an unforgettable team building, marking the end of a successful scholastic year. The event, filled with pizza making and eating, served as a well-deserved celebration for the hardworking individuals who have devoted themselves to the education and growth of their students.The day began with a delightful breakfast, setting the tone for a day of fellowship and shared experiences.

Some educators gathered in Birgu, ready to embark on a unique journey that would take them to the heart of Valletta. A boat ride provided a scenic and enjoyable route, allowing everyone to relax and soak in the beauty of their surroundings. Upon arriving in Valletta, the staff members were welcomed into a vibrant pizza-making at Tribelli Restaurant. Under the guidance of skilled chefs, they rolled up their sleeves and unleashed their creativity as they adorned their pizzas with an array of delicious toppings. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air, creating a lively and engaging atmosphere.

The team building event served as an evidence to the commitment and dedication of the St. Patrick’s School staff, highlighting their unwavering passion for education and the collective pursuit of excellence. With hearts and bellies full, they look forward to the new scholastic year, confident in their ability to continue nurturing the potential of their students through the beauty of teamwork.